The story of Brookhurst began in the Winter of 2010. Garrett and Joe began jamming on some songs Garrett had been writing after their old band, Goodbye Valentine, began losing steam. Soon, Craigslist brought them a guitarist named Dave, and the trio began the foundation for what would become Brookhurst. Steven heard a demo and was intrigued enough to come jam with the boys. Dave soon dropped out of the mix, which left Brookhurst as a trio, and they have embraced it.
The songs have their roots in the mid-90’s melodic punk rock that the boys were weaned on, but incorporating the balls out rock that the 80s and 90s were known for. The results, well, they speak for themselves. Steven’s hard rocking guitar and melodious vocals mesh perfectly with Garrett’s thundering, solid bass lines and Joe’s insane, hammering drums.
Rock songs that you can’t help but find yourself still humming them days later – that’s the premise on which Brookhurst was founded. Three friends playing music they love. Make sure to check it out, and you will be hooked.